Thursday 16 March 2017

Experience As A Teacher

On Wednesday and Thursday, I have a practical at Tadika Perpaduan Buloh Kubu, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Kota  Bharu will be traffic jams at 7.30 am at morning so I came to the kindergarten at 7.00 am at morning because my place of practical in the city of Kota Bharu

This is in my first practical as a teacher in early childhood education. Actually I don't ready yet to do the practical because I am still in holiday mood. But I am trying to finish all paperwork before I go to the kindergarten. I am happy when I finished all my paperwork on that time and ready to do the practical.

Actually I don`t like a children because they are very naughty. But I am wrong. When I goes to the kindergarten, the children looks happy because they have a young teacher. They always come and when they shy they go back to playing their game. And they slowly trying to talk with me. They were excited when I want to start teaching. They sit in front of me silently. The children call me Teacher Yasmin. They alsa so excited to do all the worksheet I gave.

Thursday is my last practical as a teacher at Tadika Perpaduan Buloh Kubu, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. I have two activities on that day. The children very enjoy with the activities and excited do the activities. When I informed to the children about my last practical, the children being sad face. They want me to teach again when the school holidays end but it never happen because my practical was end at that day. Mybe they want me to teach again because I never angry and do the best activities.

When the school end. I gave gifts to the children before I returning to college. They looks so happy when I gave they a gift. When they meet their parents to back home, the children say “goodbye teacher” to me and they want me to promise to them that I will teaching them again when the holiday become ending.

That’s all my first practical in semester 2.

Written by: Adibah Yasmin Binti Alam

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